Alright, so maybe you know what 4-H is and maybe you don't. But my son is a member in it and that means that he has to do, like, two demonstrations a year. The time came for him to do his next one and (as anyone with concern for the seasons would) he decided to make fresh salsa. He did his thing, then it was time for Q & A. People commented on how amazing the salsa tasted (of course it does--it's my wife's recipe); they were first concerned about it being too hot for them (our kids are probably jaded to a point on that); they asked him what else he cooks or prepares at home; and so-on and so-forth. Until -here's the good part- they were commenting on how well he handles a knife. When I heard that I nearly bursted at the seams. Someone there said that if they tried to cut like that, they'd probably cut off their fingers. He is my boy, my son. Sure, we do some chopping at home, and we always make him cut his own (and his sisters') food. But what I think is truly the best teaching tool is the hours we've spent watching "Iron Chef" together. My son, the torch is passed. I am still beaming a day later. -kmf
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