Thursday, September 01, 2005

Something's got to give

I know...having-this-blog is about the same as not-having-this-blog. And I suppose that reading-this-blog is about the same as not-reading-it. Since it never changes, it's got to be terribly boring. But things have been changing in my world. God is on the move. I don't know when it started, but it's been building slowly-even snowballing without me even knowing it. The first giant step that I realize now was when I agreed to leave the warm confines of my comfort zone and perform 'live drawing' while a friend read a story I wrote in front of loads of local kids. Then I had that art show. Then I talked to a manager at a different coffeeshop and she asked me to set up a show there as well. (So I guess in November I'm having a show at Coffee -n- Clay.) Since my first show someone has contacted me about buying a piece and possibly commissioning a personal portrait; various people have 'been dropping out of nowhere' with helpful advice and encouragement; God had put me in the right place at the right time to meet up with another guy who I'd heard was interested in buying a piece; and the local newspaper editor stopped at my house to say she'd heard I'd had a show and ask if she could run a story about my stuff. I hope I can present my case well "blaming" everything on God-who dragged me out of my shell to show what He can do. What an orchestrator! He's doing WAY more than we can see. All I can do is agree and hang on tight and try to enjoy the ride. It's so subtle and it comes in such waves and it's so invigorating and it's so keith-altering. Strange stuff...can I have some more? -kmf

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