So, I don't mean to get all Psalm 139 on you, but that's all I've got right now. We went antelope hunting-as is the annual tradition- and it was spiritually uplifting like it normally is. But something different happened this year. You know after you bag your animal you have to-you know-take it apart and stuff? Well, as I was butchering it I realized that I had been thinking about how amazing God is. You know He designed us and built us...but that's too easy to say. I mean we are very, very complex. I don't know if you've ever turned an animal into food before, but: WOW, living creatures are put together really well. -And we are even more complex than antelope! So I was just in a trance...I was all "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...even this animal is fearfully and wonderfully made!" So even though I don't know His works full well, I do know full well that His works are WONDERFUL. So from guts to hide and from membranes to tendons...this process will never be the same for me again.
Another thing: my son is so cool. He really is a trooper! He kept his spirits up even after miles and miles of tromping up and down hills and through streams and over fields...He impressed me again this year-maybe even more than last year. -kmf