Sunday, December 11, 2005

On Being A Good Sport

Okay, so the past three years I've helped my church's pastor write the Christmas play for the teens to perform. This year was probably the funniest one to date-even the actors got most of the jokes (does that mean we're slipping?). This morning-the DAY of the play-the mother of a teen actor called to say that their whole family was shouting at their shoes (or unswallowing-whichever euphamism you prefer) and-well-long story short: I agreed to fill the role. Note: This is out of my league! I mean, I can hardly handle it when I get acknowledged for writing some of it. So anyway, I've been really trying to be a good sport lately, so I guess I played the part of chef (Sous Chef?) Jacques Gasstove. And it was pretty fun...I didn't really have time to memorize my lines, so I taped them to the back of my giant meat cleaver for a cheat sheet. Not that many people came out and told me they noticed, so I guess it worked! What a long, strange trip it's been.-kmf